Artiste & KOL Line Up with Content Managment
More and more clients are inclined to invite online influencers (KOLs) and celebrities to promote their products on the Internet. These influencers are an emerging medium on social platforms. However, with limited budget and a wide variety of online influencers with variable quality, choosing one that is highly influential and suitable for the brand image is the biggest problem facing clients.
Our internal rating system (iRATE), based on the performance of different influencers (KOLs) as well as their channel character (Tone and Manner), combined with the client’s brand image, recommends the most suitable influencers (KOLs) for advertising use.
#KOLPromotion #ContentMarketing #TonsofOnlineInfluencers #ExclusiveiRATEDataSystem

KOMs(Key opion motherS)

Social Media Content Production
Content Marketing is the most important promotional technique employed by influencers on social platforms. It is essentially a matter of how to use creativity to enhance audience engagement and build a positive image for your brand. Good quality social media contents can bring more exposure to the brand, reduce the cost (CPC) and improve the effectiveness of advertising.
iMarComm generates creative social media contents for customers, and selects the best way of presenting product information such as video and illustration that are widely popular on social platforms.
#SocialMediaContentProduction #VideoFilming #Graphics&Illustrations #ProductPlacement
Social Media Video Production
We line up online influencers to create various types of short videos for use on social media platforms. You can have contents that can be widely used on social platforms created at a lower budget. This allows you to implement product placement, increase brand exposure and enhance sales performance.